Saturday, June 16

Nothing Major!

Hello to anyone that may be checking in. I have not had much time to do any more work to the new addition. We have has several things come up in the last month that has prohibited us from doing much more than what you see in the pictures below. I have managed to get the bird boxes built on the overhangs and the nailers up for the soffit. I hope to get back at it in the next few days. We are trying to find some siding that will match what is on the rest of the house and that is proving to be difficult. The house is 11 years old and the siding has faded quite a bit and not to mention it is not the "Normal" 4" Dutch lap siding, it is 4.5" Dutch lap and it is generally a special order item and cost twice as much.  Never fails! Well, that is all I have for now. When I do get some more work done I will post some pictures. For now here are some pictures of the Kids.